sisi lain

ternyata banyak sastrawan besar yang mengakhiri hidupnya dengan bunuh diri, ini beberapa diantaranya :
a. The english poet Thomas Chaterrton, took arsenic in his garret
b. Benjamin Robert Haydon, cut his throat in his studio
c. Thomas lovell beddoes, choose poison for his suicide
d. Paul Lafargue, choose poison
e. Gerard de Nerval, hanged from the grating of a courtyard
Trus ada lagi, hampir di setiap negara hehehe..
a. The French, Chamfort
b. The Spaniard, Mariano Jose de Larra
c. The Russian, mayakovski
d. The Australian, Stefan Zweig
e. The German, Heinrich von Kleist
f. The Italian, Cesare pavese
g. The English, Virginia Woolf
h. The American, Ernest Hemingway

sumber : internet

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